


If you are an alumnus who would like for us to link to your web page — or correct an existing link — please email the MTI2 Web Master (see the Contacts page).

Doctor of Philosophy

Stewart Worthy – 2024

Sebastiano Gualtieri – 2024

James Frize – 2023


Andreas Katsiavalos – 2023

Marinos Giannoukakis – 2022

Marij Van Gorkom – 2021

Audrey Riley – 2021

W: |

Susanne Grunewald – 2021

Asher Arnon – 2021

Luigi Marino – 2021
[M4C DTP PhD based at University of Birmingham]
Revisiting a Relational Approach to Electronic Music Performance

Francisco Marti Pérez – 2020

Takuro Lippit – 2020


Steve Jones – 2020


James Kelly – 2019

Robin Parmar – 2019

Amit Patel – 2019


Simon Waite – 2019

Maya Verlaak – 2019 
[M3C DTP Scholar based at Birmigham Conservatory]
Embodying Context During the Music Compositional Process…

Virginie Viel -– 2019

Louise Rossiter – 2017

Kerry Francksen-Kelly – 2017

Manolis Manousakis -– 2017

David Holland – 2016

Neal Spowage – 2016

Marinos Koutsomichalis – 2015


Luca Forcucci – 2015

Panos Amelides – 2015

Ben Ramsay – 2015

Michael Gatt – 2015

David Gray – 2014

Nasia Therapontos – 2013

Jerry Fishenden – 2013 - via the Institute of Creative Technologies


Andrew Hill – 2012


Motje Wolf – 2012

Katerina Tzedaki – 2012


Ian Wilcock – 2012 - via the Institute of Creative Technologies


Lorenzo Picinali –2010


Robin McGinley – 2009

Ximena Alarcon – 2007


Rick Nance – 2007


Richard Hemmings – 2005


Sophy Smith – 2005


Robert Weale – 2005

Master of Philosophy

Jack Richardson – 2020

Masters by Research in Music, Technology and Innovation

Mihai Traista – 2021
Robotic Sculpture in Trans- media Composition using Sound and Movement

Samuel Thomas – 2021
Investigating Untutored Perception in Visual Music

Rob Chafer – 2021
Time–Event–Space: A Creative Exploration of Techniques in Multichannel Audio-visual Composition

Calum Vaughan – 2020
Semi Real-time Use of Markov Chains in Algorithmic Electronic Dance Music Performance

Sam Warren – 2019
Relationships Between Electronic Music and Movement Practice

Samantha Topley – 2017
Wearable Technology in Music and Performance 

Simon Smith – 2016
Re-creating Diffusion Performance Practices from an Exploration of Listening(s) Experiences

David Gurney – 2016
Considerations and Practice of Creating and Implementing Effective Game Sound Design

Chloe Cutler – 2013
Enhanced Learning with an Innovative Instrument in KS2 Music Education

Annelie Nederberg – 2012
Notions of Corporeality in Electroacoustic Music

David Holland — 2012
Can a listening strategy be used to increase the appreciation of Electroacoustic Music

Master of Arts in Music, Technology and Innovation

Becky Gray – 2021
Binaural on Streaming Platforms: Headphone Use and Genre Characteristics Enhanced with Binaural Audio

Harri Bettsworth – 2021
Exploring how Uncanny Sound can Trigger Fear in a Video Game

James Reynolds – 2021
Bolton-Crick: Soundscapes from the Somme

Jacob Myer Braslawsce – 2021
G.R.A.S.P, G.R.A.V.D. and Waveset Distortion: The creation of three unique applications and their role in the creation of ‘uhu47’ and ‘How Beautiful My Life Could Be If You Were Here’

Sean Carroll – 2009
Mapping Gestural Motion in Dance to Algorithmic Composition

Nilesh Champaneri – 2008
Composition Using Sampling Methods

Robin Foster – 2009
Live Performance and Improvisation in Electronic and Computer Music

Michael Gatt – 2009
The Art of Composing Site-Specific Sonic Installations

Paul Jones – 2009
Algorithmic composition, Instrument Design and Gestural Mapping to Sound

Jeff Mettlewsky – 2009
Mixed Instrumental and Electronics Composition, Aesthetics

Tasha Roberts – 2009
The Use of Noise in Electronic Music: The Ideas in Glitch

Nasia Therapontos – 2009
Spatialization of music in electroacoustic and sonic art works

Artur Walaszczyk – 2009
Sound design; electroacoustic music - reception and interpretation; soundscape and acousmatic multichannel composition

Andrew Hill – 2008
Composing the Metaphor: Investigating Suitable Strategies for the Composition of Electroacoustic Audio-visual Artworks

James Kelly – 2008
'Technology Hacking': DJ Technology and Appropriation

Amit Patel – 2008
Turntable Performance And Sound Diffusion

Neal Spowage – 2008
Marrying the Dynamics of Performance and Live Electronic Music Production

Masters by Independent Study

Tony Seaton – 2014
Radiophonic: The music of Delia Derbyshire; Pedagogic: Understanding electroacoustic music at A Level

Gary Blakemore – 2012
The Sonic 'Germ': A Compositional Investigation

Mark Herdman – 2012
The Preserving Machine: Is it Possible to Hear a Novel?

Adam Newman – 2010
On The Auditory Road - An audio adaptaptation of Jack Kerouac's "On the Road"

Gez McCoy – 2010
Spatialisation, live electronics and the multi-pickup electric guitar

Russel Michael Harmon – 2011
The Integration of Guitar Performance and Live Electronics: the Circuit Bent Guitar

Bec Gorman – 2008
Composition for Film and Animation

Robbie Lockwood – 2008
Electroacoustic Composition

Chris Cousin – 2008
Electronic Music Composition and Performance

Ioanna Pappa – 2007
Performance Studies and Education

Shammi Pithia – 2007
Pitch Perception and Human Emotion, Its Relevance in Classical Indian Music and its Application in Film Music

Alexis Ffrench – 2007
New Opportunities in Music Technology from a Pedagogical and Musician's Point of View

Serena Alexander – 2007
Composing For The Voice With Electronics And Sound Diffusion

Roger Barker – 2008
Postmodern Popular Composition and The Mix As An Artform

Philip Mead – 2008
Composition for Piano and Electronics

Matthew Moore – 2008
Exploring and Extending the Aesthetic and Technological Boundaries of the Talking Book

Thom Corah – 2008
LabTop: An Instrument for the Integration of Live Electronics into Composed Music

Dimitris Moraitis – 2008
Exploring the Use of the Human Voice and Text

Peter Wilkinson – 2008
PLASMA (Progressive, Living And Synthetic Musical Apparatus)