
Local Governance Research Centre publications

Baggott, R. and Lambie, G. (2018) Enticing Case Study or Celebrated Anomaly? Policy Learning from the Cuban health system. International Journal of Health Planning and Management 33(1), pp.212-224

Baggott, R. and Jones, K. (2018) Representing Whom? UK Health Consumer and Patients’ Organisations in the Policy Process. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15(3), pp.341-9

Baggott, R. (2015) Understanding Health Policy (Policy Press) 2nd edition

Baggott, R. and Jones, K. (2015) The Big Society in an Age of Austerity: threats and opportunities for Health Consumer and Patients' Organisations in England Health Expectations 18(6) pp.2164-73

Berry, C. and Giovannini, A.  (2018) Developing England’s North: The Political Economy of the Northern Powerhouse, Basingstoke: Palgrave

Blanco, I., Griggs, S. and Sullivan, H. (2014) Situating the Local in the Neoliberalisation and Transformation of Urban Governance Transformation, Urban Studies, 51 (15), pp. 3129-3146

Cortina-Oriol, M. et al (2018) Nuevos Movimientos Sociales: de la calle a los ayuntamientos (New Social Movements: from the streets to City Councils), Barcelona: Icaria Editorial

Cortina-Oriol, M. et al (2018) Nuevos Movimientos Sociales: de la calle a los ayuntamientos (New Social Movements: from the streets to City Councils), Barcelona: Icaria Editorial

Cortina-Oriol, M. et al (eds.) (2017). Crisis y Retos de la Democracia (Crisis and Challenges of Democracy).Bilbao: Betiko. 

Bua, A., Davies, J., Cortina-Oriol, M., Griggs, S. et al  (2018) The Urban Governance of Austerity in Europe. In Kerley, R. Liddle, J. and Dunning, P. (eds) The Handbook of International Local Government. London: Routledge.

Davies, J., Bua, A. and Cortina-Oriol, M., and Thompson, E. (2018) Why is Austerity Governable? A Gramscian urban regime analysis of Leicester, UK. Journal of Urban Affairs (DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2018.1490152)

Giovannini, A. and Vampa, D. (2019) Towards a new era of regionalism in Italy? A Comparative Perspective on Autonomy Referendums, Territory, Politics, Governance (published online, early view: DOI: 10.1080/21622671.2019.1582902)

Giovannini, A., Albertazzi, D. and Seddone, A. (2018) ‘No Regionalism Please, We Are Leghisti!’ The Transformation of the Italian Lega Nord Under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini, Regional and Federal Studies, 28(5), pp. 645-671

Giovannini, A. (2018) ‘The Uneven Governance of Devolution Deals in Yorkshire: opportunities, challenges and local (di)visions’, in C. Berry and A. Giovannini (eds.), Developing England’s North. The Political Economy of the Northern Powerhouse, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp.163-196

Prosser, B., Renwick, A., Giovannini, A., Sandford, M. et al (2017) Citizen Participation and Changing Governance: Cases of Devolution in England, Policy & Politics, 45(2), pp.251-69

Giovannini, A. (2016) Towards a “New English Regionalism” in the North? The Case of Yorkshire First, The Political Quarterly, 87(4), pp. 590-600

Granger, R.C. (2019) Defining Value in the Creative Economy, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Basingstoke, Palgrave

Granger, R.C. (2019) Co-creative Third Space, Maker Spaces, an Micro Industrial Districts, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Granger, R.C. (2019) The Hidden Value of Local Networks and Underground Spaces, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Granger, R.C. (2019) Problematising Alternative Ecosystems in Creative Cities: the role of universities, crowded ecosystems, and quintuple helixes, in Theorizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie/German Journal of Economic Geography http://hdl.handle.net/2086/16314

Granger, R.C. (2018) Creative Cities as a Spatial Fix, Urban Studies, 55(8)

Granger, R.C. (2018) Regenerating Cityscapes through the Creative Economy: the creative industries as a spatial fix, in Harwood, T. (ed) Creative Technologies and the City. Springer: Cultural Computing Series

Granger, R.C. (2018) Urban Regional Regeneration, Wiley Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies

Garcia-Carrizo, J. and Granger, R.C. (2019) Cultural and Creative Districts as Spaces for Value Change through Activism and Artistic Branding, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Basignstoke: Palgrave    

Griggs, S., Howarth, D., and Feandeiro, A. (2018) The Logics and Limits of “Collaborative Governance” in Nantes: Myth, Ideology and the Politics of New Urban Regimes. Journal of Urban Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2018.1516508

Griggs, S., Barnett, N. and Howarth, D. (2018) Whatever Happened to Councillors? Problematising the Deficiency Narrative in English Local Politics, Political Studies

Griggs, S., Hall, S., Howarth, D., Seigneuret, N. (2017) Characterizing and evaluating rival discourses of the ‘sustainable city’: Towards a politics of pragmatic adversarialism, Political Geography, 59. pp. 36-46

Griggs, S., Howarth, D. and MacKillop, E. (2017) Metagovernance of Austerity, Local Councils and Practices of Depoliticisation. In: Flinders, M., Hay, C. and Wood, M. (Eds.) Anti-Politics, Depoliticisation and the Governance in Late Modernity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 195-216

Guarneros-Meza,V, Telleria, I., Blas, A. and Pill, M. (2018) The Jewel in the Crown: Co-optive capacity and participation during austerity in Cardiff and San Sebastian-Donostia, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, (published online November 2018, DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12709)

Guarneros-Meza V., Downe, J. and S. Martin (2017) Defining, achieving and evaluating collaborative outcomes: a theory of change approach, Public Management Review, (online publication October 2017 DOI:10.1080/14719037.2017.1383782)

Pill, M. and Guarneros-Meza, V. (2018) Local governance under austerity: hybrid organizations and hybrid officers, Policy & Politics 46(3), pp. 409-425(17) 

Andrews, R., Entwistle, T. and Guarneros-Meza, V. (2018), Local Government Size and Political Efficacy: Do Citizen Panels Make a Difference?, International Journal of Public Administration (published online July 2018, DOI:10.1080/01900692.2018.1499774)

Zaremberg, G., Guarneros-Meza, V., Gurza Lavalle, A. (eds.) (2017), Intermediation and Representation in Latin America: Actors and roles beyond elections, Palgrave Macmillan

Hartley, J., Parker, S. and Beashel, J. (2018), Leading and recognising public value, Public Administration (early view publication, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12563)

Lowndes, V. and Roberts, M. (2014) Why Institutions Matter: the New institutionalism in Political Science, Basingstoke: Palgrave

Parsons, L. (2019) Problematising Hidden Culture, in Granger, R.C. (ed) Value Construction in the Creative Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Pflaeger Young, Z. (2016) Gender and Development. In: J. Steans and D. Tepe-Belfrage (eds) Handbook on Gender in World Politics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Pflaeger Young, Z. (2018) The Gender Dynamics of Trade. In: J. Elias and A. Roberts (eds) Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Pflaeger Young, Z. et al (2012) Women in the Profession: The Composition of UK Political Science Departments by Sex. Politics, 32 (3), pp.139-152

Roberts, M. (2016) Communication breakdown: understanding the role of policy narratives in political conflict and consensus, Critical Policy Studies, pp.1-21.

Parker, S. (2018) What is the meaning of philosophy for local government officers?, Public Money and Management. doi.org/10.1080/ 

Parker, S. et al (2017) Leadership to create public value: A case study of an initiative to address rural crime, Centre for Policing Research and Learning, Open University: Milton Keynes

Richardson, J. (2019) Place and Identity: The Performance of Home, Abingdon: Routledge

Richardson, J. and Codona, J. (2018) Blame and Fear: Roma in the UK in a Changing Europe, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26 (1), pp. 95-112

Richardson, J. (2017) Precarious living in liminal spaces: neglect of the Gypsy-Traveller site. Global Discourses, 7(4), pp.496- 515 

Rose, J. et al (2018) How Might Reform of the Political System Appeal to Discontented Citizens? British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(2), pp.263-284        

Rose, J. (2018) The meaning of corruption: testing the coherence and adequacy of corruption definitions. Public Integrity, 20(3), pp. 220-233

Rose, J. (2014). The Public Understanding of Political Integrity: The Case for Probity Perceptions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Rose, J. et al (2014) “Close but no Cigar”: the measurement of corruption. Journal of Public Policy, 34(3), pp.507-529 

Tafon, R., Howarth, D. and Griggs, S. (2018) The Politics of Estonia's Offshore Wind Energy Programme: Discourse, Power and Marine Spatial Planning. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654418778037)