51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø holds a credibility assessment process to help to confirm that you are a genuine student and can demonstrate that you:
The credibility assessment process may consist of a completing a form and submitting a self-recorded video or a traditional Credibility Interview. You will receive an email confirming which process is relevant to you, this email will be sent either directly to yourself or to your agent and will include all next steps on completing the assessment form, submitting a self-recorded video or booking an interview slot.
Preparing for your interview
Credibility Assessment Guide
When you register with 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, we will store a copy of your credibility interview, assessment form and self-recorded video and may refer back to it in the future in order to ensure that your post-registration arrangements (such as your term-time living arrangements) are consistent with your pre-registration plans.
See our guide for Student visa applications.