Journal Articles
Kolade, S., Owoseni, A., and Egbetokun, A. (2024). Is AI changing learning and assessment as we know it? Evidence from a ChatGPT experiment and a conceptual framework. Heliyon, 10 (4).
Owoseni, A. (2023). What is digital transformation? Investigating the metaphorical meaning of digital transformation and why it matters, Digital Transformation and Society, Vol 3.
Kolade, O. and Owoseni, A. (2022). Employment 5.0: The work of the future and the future of work, Technology in Society, Vol 71 [V
Owoseni, A., Hatsu, S., andTolani, A. (2021). How do digital technologies influence the dynamic capabilities of micro and small businesses in a pandemic and low-income country context? The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, e12202. []
Obembe, D., Kolade, S., Obembe, F., Owoseni, A., and Mafimisebi, O. (2021). Covid-19 and the tourism industry: an early-stage sentiment analysis of the impact of social media and stakeholder communication? International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, []
Wilford, S., McBride, N., Brooks, L., Akintoye, S., Owoseni, A., Leach, A., Flick, C., Fisk, M., and Stacey, M. (2021). The Digital Network of Networks: Regulatory Risk and Policy Challenges of Vaccine Passports. European Journal of Risk Regulation []
Owoseni, A. andTwinomurinzi, H. (2020). Evaluating mobile app usage by service sector micro and small enterprises in Nigeria: an abductive approach. Information Technology for Development. []
Owoseni, A. and Twinomurinzi, H. (2019). The dynamic capabilities of small and medium scale enterprisesusing mobile apps in Lagos, Nigeria. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. []
Owoseni, A., and Twinomurinzi, H. (2018). Mobile apps usage and dynamic capabilities: a structural equation model of SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. Telematics and Informatics. []
Book Chapter
Owoseni, A., and Tolani, A., (2023). How to research small and micro businesses. In Sage Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,
Ogoh G., Akintoye S., Eke, D. O., Leach T., Ochang P., Owoseni, A., Oyeniji O, & Stahl B. C. (2022). Contact Tracing Apps for the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Responsible Innovation Perspective In: M. J. Dennis et al. (Eds.) Values for a Post-Pandemic Future, Springer
Rae, D., Kolade, O. & Owoseni, A. (2021). Are African economies open for entrepreneurship: how do we know? In: Kolade, O., Rae, D., Obembe, D., Woldesenbet Beta, K. (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Africa Entrepreneurship, London: Palgrave Macmillan. []
Tolani A., Owoseni, A. & Twinomurinzi H. (2019). Exploring the Effect of Mobile Apps on SMEs inNigeria: A Critical Realist Study. In: Nielsen P., Kimaro H. (eds) Information and CommunicationTechnologies for Development. Strengthening Southern-Driven Cooperation as a Catalyst forICT4D. ICT4D 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 551.Springer. []
Conference Papers
Owoseni, A., Khene, C., Adedigba, A., and Adisa, M. (2024). Contextual usability of Fintech by African Caribbean Micro-Business Owners in the UK. 2024 IFIP WG9.4 EIFIP Working Group 9.4 Conference on the Implications of Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Capetown South Africa, 20-22 May 2024
Kolade, O., Owoseni, A. and Egbetokun, A. (2023) ‘Frenemy’ of progress? Investigation of the disruptive impacts of generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) on learning and assessment in higher education. British Academy of Management Conference 2023 University of Sussex Business School, Brighton UK
Owoseni, A. & Tolani, A. (2023). Nurturing the digital transformation aspirations of micro-businesses in Nigeria: A strategy formulation approach using photo-elicitation. Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference 2023 on Unsettling Development, University of Reading UK, 24 June -28-30, 2023.
Olaniyan, F. M. A. & Owoseni, A. (2022). Toward Improved Data Quality in Public Health: Analysis of Anomaly Detection Tools Applied to HIV/AIDS Data in Africa. IST Africa Conference, May 2022, South Africa, pp.1–9.
Owoseni, A., Tolani, A. & Mahmood, Z. (2021). Rethinking methods and ethics of small business research in Africa. Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference 2021 on Unsettling Development (online), University of East Anglia, 24 June -02 July 2021.
Owoseni, A., Tolani, A. & Mahmood, Z. (2021). Rethinking methods and ethics of small business research in Africa. Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference 2021 on Unsettling Development (online), University of East Anglia, 24 June -02 July 2021. []
Flick, C., Owoseni, A., Fisk, M. & Firth, R. (2021). Visualizing home technologies of the future: a report from Leicester diverse communities. ETHICOMP2021 conference. []
Fisk, M., Flick, C. & Owoseni, A. (2021). Ethical benchmarks for industry and commerce: a new landscape for responsible innovation. ETHICOMP2021 conference online. Jun. 10-Jul. 2, 2021 []
Tolani, A., Owoseni, A. & Twinomurinzi, H. (2020). Designing for Context versus the Lock-In Effect of Free Global Digital Platforms: A Case of SMEs from Nigeria. 15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DERIST2020), Kristiansand, Norway 2-4 Dec. 2020. []
Dansharifa, A.R., Iyawa G, E., Owoseni, A. & Iyawa R. (2020). mHealth for Self-Management in Pregnancy: Perceptions of Women in Low-Resource Settings. 9th International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist 2020), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 21-23 Oct. 2020. []
Owoseni, A., Wakunuma, K., Tolani, A. & Twinomurinzi, H. (2020). Exploring gender gaps: how Nigerian micro business owners use mobile apps for business. 2020 IFIP WG9.4 European Conference on the Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (online), 10-11 June 2020. []
Tolani, A., Owoseni, A. and Twinomurinzi, H., (2019). Roles of mobile apps in absorptive capabilities of small and medium size enterprises in Nigeria. IST Africa Conference, Nairobi. 8-10 May 2019. []
Owoseni, A. & Twinomurinzi, H. (2018). Maximizing opportunities using mobile apps: anexploratory factor analysis of service sector micro and small enterprises in Nigeria. 11th AnnualSIG Global Development. AIS 2018 Pre-ICIS Workshop, at San Francisco, Califonia, United States ofAmerica []
Owoseni, A. & Twinomurinzi, H. (2017). The use of mobile apps to enhance SMEs in conditions ofuncertainty : A case study from Lagos. 10th Annual SIG Global Development. AIS 2017 Pre-ICISWorkshop at Seoul, South Korea []
Owoseni, A., Salami, O. ,Twinomurinzi, H. & Mtsweni, J. (2017). Evolving a New CommunityThrough Tuckman Model and WhatsApp Messaging Platform. IST Africa Conference, Windhoek,pp. 1–9. []
Owoseni, A. & Twinomurinzi, H., (2016). Mobile App Usage as a Dynamic Capability in Nigerian Start-ups. IST Africa Conference, Durban, pp.1–9. []