Fearon, K (2024) "Women with Turner syndrome (TS): pushing back against the stigma of medically-managed transitions", 4th Vienna Anthropology Days (VANDA), Vienna, 24 September 2024. Presented online.
Fearon, K (2024), “How families affected by Turner syndrome challenge and reframe reproductive timing stigma", BSA Medsoc, Warwick, 11 September 2024. Invited speaker at the BSA ECR stream on 'Career firsts'.
Herbrand, C, Hudson, N, Fearon, K (2023), “Disease-free imaginaries? the promises of expanded carrier screenin”, 4S, Honolulu USA, 4-11 November 2023
Fearon, K (2022), “The role of imaginaries in reproductive decisions in families affected by Turner Syndrome” (El papel de los imaginarios familiares en las decisiones reproductivas de las familias afectadas por el síndrome de Turner (ST)), 4S/ESOCITE, Cholula, 9 December 2022
Fearon, K (2022), “‘Have you started?’ Turner syndrome and the timing of puberty”, AFIN Virtual International Conference on Women's Health, Barcelona, 24 October 2022
Fearon, K (2022), “Anticipatory biomedicine” in the “family we live by”: reproductive preservation and Turner Syndrome (TS), BSA Medsoc, Lancaster, 15 September 2022
Fearon, K (2022), “It’s to level the playing field”: family solidarity and intrafamilial egg donation in families affected by Turner Syndrome (TS), Reproductive Futures, Tampere, 16 June 2022
Svirydzenka, N, Fearon, K and the CHAMPIONS Team (2022), CHAMPIONS: Covid-19, Temporary Accommodation and Children’s Rights to Safety, Health, and Education, Peace, Equality and Social Justice SDG16, Theme: Building and Consolidating Peaceful and Just Societies, organised by SDG16 team, 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, Leicester, 20 May 2022
Fearon, K (2022), Reproductive choice and imaginaries of responsible behaviour, BSA Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference, 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, Leicester, 19 May 2022
Fearon, K (2021), Governed by time : the strange temporalities of fertility and reproduction in Turner Syndrome, Chronic Living: Quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, virtual conference organised by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2021
Fearon, K (2019) “The more options the better”: balancing choice and reproductive risks in women with Turner Syndrome, BSA conference ‘Reproduction and risk’, University of Leicester, 20 November 2019.
Invited attendee at symposium ‘The Ethics and Regulation of Reproductive Donation’, September 2019, which reported on a joint project between KCL and Lancaster University entitled ‘The Donation and Transfer of Human Reproductive Materials’
Fearon, K (2018) “You are not ready to be a mum if you are not listening to a medical professional say it is not safe”: how ‘reproductive responsibility’ affects family-building choices in women with Turner Syndrome’, paper presented to the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Annual Conference, Lancaster, 25-28 July 2018.
Fearon, K (2018) ‘Have you ever talked to a woman with Turner Syndrome?’ Photo-elicitation interviews and other adaptions in research with women with mild cognitive impairment’, invited speaker at conference ‘Creating diverse coalitions for equality in neoliberal times: locating the emancipatory city’, 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 4 July 2018.
Fearon, K (2018) ‘Have you ever talked to a woman with Turner Syndrome?’ A rationale for the use of photo-elicitation interviews in research on reproductive decision making with women with mild cognitive impairment’. ‘Visualising Reproduction’ Conference, 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 4 June 2018.
Fearon, K (2017) 'Using photo elicitation as an accommodation in research with women with Turner Syndrome', poster presented to the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference, York, 12-13 September 2017.
Fearon, K (2017) ‘Turner Syndrome and reproductive decision making’, presentation given to the Turner Syndrome Support Society Annual Conference, 7 October 2017.
Radio Fox (Leicester Hospitals Radio), Interview with Jean Carroll on her show The Library Hour, 24 September 2017
'Using photo elicitation as an accommodation in research with women with Turner Syndrome', poster presentation at the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference, York, 12-13 September 2017.