‘Out Beyond Jointery’: Developing a Model for Gaming Multi-Domain Warfare’ ICCWS2022 : 17th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 17-18 March 2022, State University of New York, Albany, NY.
‘Reith, Russell, and the Robots: AI, Warfare, and Shaping the Debate’ ECCWS2022 : 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 16-17 June 2022. University of Chester.
‘Modelling Multi-Domain Conflict – Conceptualizing ‘War 2.0’’ : to be presented at 16th NATO Operations Research and Analysis Conference, Copenhagen, 17-19 October.
‘Connected, Continual Conflict: Towards a Cybernetic Model of Warfare’ : ECCWS2021 : 20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 24th - 25th June 2021, University of Chester.
‘Ha Ha Only Serious: Irony in Information Warfare and Comedy-Cloaked Extremism’ : ICCWS2021 : 16th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 25 February- 26 February 2021, Tennessee, U.S.A.
‘Like 9/11 on steroids’: AI in the age of Coronavirus’ - ECIAIR 2020 : 2nd European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal.
‘MInds, the Martial, and Metamodernity : Preparing for Next-Generation Conflict’ : paper Prometheus 1.0, Ministry of Defence, Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Shrivenham, 6/2/2020.
‘Racist Soapdishes and Rebellious (?) Children: Towards Human/AI Cooperation’
– ECIAIR 2019 : European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics, EM-Normandie Business School, Oxford.
‘The Persuasion Game: Developing a Serious Game Based Model for Information Warfare and Influence Studies’ – ECCWS2019 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, University of Coimbra, Portugal, July 2-4. Paper co-authored with Dr David Ormrod, Mr Lynn Scheinman, LTC Thorsten Kodalle, Dr Char Sample, Dr Benjamin Turnbull.
‘Strategic Foresight and Resilience through Cyber-Wargaming’. – ECCWS2019 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, University of Coimbra, Portugal, July 2-4. Paper co-authored with Dr David Ormrod.
‘Thoughts about a General Theory of Influence in a DIME/PMESII/ASCOP/IRC2 Model‘. – ECCWS2019 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, University of Coimbra, Portugal, July 2-4. Paper co-authored with OLT Thorsten Kodalle, Dr. Char Sample, and Dr. David Ormrod.
‘4th Generation Espionage, Why Technology (even intelligent technology) is Insufficient’ - ECCWS2019 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, University of Coimbra, Portugal, July 2-4. Paper co-authored with Dr. Char Sample and Dr. Emily Darraj.
IW™?: 'Building Global Community', Facebook, and Cyber Security in the post-Westphalian Age: ICCWS2018 (International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security), National Defense University, Washington DC, March.
'Conceptual Breakdown and Epistemological Apocalypse: The Anti-liminal Histories of China Miéville.': After Fantastika, University of Lancaster, 6-7 July
'A Second Amendment for Cyber? - Possession, Prohibition and Personal Liberty for the Information Age': ECCWS2018 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security), University of Oslo, June 28-29.
'"We'll Always Have Paris": Adaptation as Transformation in the works of Kim Newman'. Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø,
Leicester 18-19 September.
'Phobic Cartography: a Human-Centred, Communicative Analysis of the Cyber Threat Landscape': ECCWS2017 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security), UCD, Dublin, 28-30 June 2017.
Session Chair, 'Cyber Warfare' session, ECCWS2017 (European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security), UCD, Dublin, 28-30 June.
"Meat The Machine: We Cyborg!"- Seminar/discussion, presented at 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø Local Research/Being Human Festival, November 18th.
'Robot Apocalypse: Now... Or Never?' - Debate (Participants: KS, Colin Williams (Warwick/SBL), Prof Kevin Warwick (Coventry), Dr Kathleen Williams (51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø), Warwick Festival of Ideas, University of Warwick, October 16.
‘Anxieties and Anarchitecture: Mythopoesis for the Information Age - inaugural Prometheus Project Seminar series, University of Warwick, September.
'English Apocalypses and Robot Skateboards: Warren Ellis’ Futures' - presented at 'The Future in Comics', Stockholm University, 3-5 September 2015.
'From R'lyeh to Whitehall: Charles Stross and the Bureaucratic Fantastic' - presented at 'Locating Fantastika', Lancaster University, 8 July.
'Dissuasion, Disinformation, Dissonance: Complexity and Autocritique as tools of information warfare' - presented at ECCWS2015, 14th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ECCWS-2015, The University of Hertfordshire, 2-3 July.
'Whatever happened to Tomorrow? – The Fearful, Fantastic Futures of Science Fiction' - presented at Cheltenham science festival, 6 June 2015.
'Words For A Wired World: Cybersecurity As Communicative Art' - presented at 1st International Conference on Cyber Security for Sustainable Society 2015, University of Coventry, 26-27th February
‘Dark Gnostics: Secrets, Mysteries, and OCCINT" - presented at 'The Secret in Contemporary Theory, Society, and Culture, University of Kent at Canterbury, 30-
31 May, 2014.
"Information, Influence and Narrative: from miles gloriosus to Homo narrans"; presented at DSTL/MOD conference, “Social Influence in the Information Age”, Kings College, London, 28/2/14.
"Apocalypse Not: Where next for the Morrison Multiverse?" - presented at 'Grant Morrison: Which Side Are You On?', University of Stockholm, December 18-20, 2013.
"Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit: Mythopoesis and Modernity in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman" - presented at 'Translating Myth', University of Essex, 5-7 September, 2013.
"Pan narrans and the War on Terror: toward the weaponizing of narrative" - presented at International Conference on Narrative, Manchester Metropolitan University, June 25-27, 2013.
"Mythology, modernity and the memeplex: from PSYOPS to Superheroes." Presented at AMALTEA Conference, 'Myth and Interdisciplinarity', Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 29-30 October, 2012
‘’’Let me Slip into Someone more Comfortable”: Fiction Suits, Semantic Shamanism and Meta-linguistic Magic’ - presented at 'Grant Morrison and the Superhero Renaissance', Trinity College Dublin, 14th-15th September, 2012.
‘“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”: H. P. Lovecraft and the inexpressible horror of the physical’ - presented at 'The Monster Inside Us, The Monsters Around Us: Monstrosity and Humanity', 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 18-20 November, 2011.
"Lost Boys, Lost Girls, Lost Innocence: JM Barrie and Alan Moore": presented at "Cien años de Peter y Wendy", Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 15 March 2011.
"Rapture Rewrites Rand: the interactive ideological autocritique of Bioshock" - presented at 'Adaptation and the New Technologies', 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 25 January 2011
"Blood, Bodies, Books: Kim Newman and the Vampire as Cultural Text": Paper presented at 'Vegetarians, VILFs and Fang-Bangers: Modern Vampire Romance in print and on screen', 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 24 November 2010.
"Up yours, Ludwig: Sarah Silverman, Saying the Unsayable, and the Meta-Bigot Mode": Paper presented at 'Playing for Laughs', 51ºÚÁÏÉçÇø, 7 February 2009.